Saturday, October 2, 2010

$300.00 an hour job


We covered why paranormal, we covered some ghost chasing and why ghost, Now lets cover psychic advisers and ESP.

First why would you want to be a psychic adviser. Simple answer, up to $300.00 an hour in net pay, 6 to 700 dollars an hour in gross pay. No collage education needed. You will end up working harder then a collage graduate and the hours can get demanding. With this in mind understand you deserve that pay.

First to dispel some of the myths about ESP,

ESP is not a divine gift from God only a few are allowed to have. It is a clear cut human ability that any one who works at it can achieve.

People are not forced to be psychic, they choose to be psychic. Some by way of culture, some by way of personal needs. Yet it is still a choice.

Only uneducated people use or are psychics. Not true, people from all walks of life use and practice psychic ability. Lottery numbers, I know psychics who pick winning numbers all the time. Why would a psychic sell you a winning lottery number for a few bucks when they can play it them selves for a few thousand?. I mean really, psychic does not mean stupid. I know one who keeps her winnings low and earns 2 to 4k every month from just lottery winnings.

Now on to the reason your reading this.

First psychic appeals mostly to women ages 25 - 60. The reason is simple, its hard to convince a mother who has been connected to a child she was just hallucinating the connection to her child. She saw it, felt it, heard it and never forgot it. Psychic abilities seem to be easier for women then men due to the psychical structure of their brain and the nurturing demands of their lives. Men can do this too, but considering I am a part of the majority, I think it would be wise if I focus on the majority.

Now when reading my works you must keep in mind, I mainly research paranormal. I have no desire to be a doctor, lawyer, real estate salesperson or anything else. All the information I search out on other subjects is to help answer paranormal subjects. Asking me what the difference is between the male and female brain is not going to get you any answers. You need to look for your self in other research what the difference is between the male and female brain. What I looked at was the female brain is smaller then the male brain but has a larger bridge then the male brain allowing the female brain to use both sides at once and the male brain to only use one side at a time. I can't prove it, but I'm sure Stanford University can. So go ask them.

Now ESP stands for Extrasensory perception, extra is not a word I would care to use in the psychic ability. It is a natural ability humans need to survive and there for does not fall under the definition of extra. The word extra tends to suggest something extra not needed. Like and extra finger or toe. We all need and use our psychic abilities daily. Sensory, is anything that gives you information, from touching something to see if it is ruff or smooth to reading a chart or graph from the sensors of a depth finder on a boat. It can be biological or mechanical. Therefore a depth finder in a boat is the boats ESP. Perception from Wikipedia, In philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. The word "perception" comes from the Latin words perceptio, percipio, and means "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mind or senses. Perception is one of the oldest fields in psychology. The oldest quantitative law in psychology is the Weber-Fechner law, which quantifies the relationship between the intensity of physical stimuli and their perceptual effects.

Now if you intend to hone your abilities to collect the million dollars for proving psychic ability is correct, you must also hone your perception to be literal and factual. The reasons for these offerings is to prove psychic ability to be fake. They will not take anything other then provable facts from you. It is literally a challenge , your prove it real or we prove it fake. I think they are a cool joke on society. There is an invisible man standing in front of you right now. Prove me wrong. You can't so then you must hope to get me to make a statement like "tell the invisible man to move a glass on the table" you do so and the glass doesn't move, you may now have proof there is no invisible man or maybe the man was just not thirsty enough to want to move the glass. What if you did so and the glass did move?. If you wish to use your natural human psychic ability to collect the 1m from the JREF, remember you need to perfect it and exercise it till its unbreakable.

Psychic phone reading companies that claim they test each psychic to prove they are genuine. There is no test for psychic abilities. I took the test for California Psychics twice. The first one I failed, the second one I used the standard love psychic con script and passed. What's the script? Well Cali psychic hot line is for love questions only. There is a standard script to use and as long as you stick to it, you will pass as a genuine psychic. People call a psychic about love because they want to keep the person they call about. So there is question one already answered just by your call. The rest is easy. They tell you the same thing girls tell each other in the lady's room meetings. It has better then a 50% chance of being right and it makes you feel good. I studied and practiced medium work. No one looking for love wants to hear from the dead, trust me.

The perception of the readings. Like teenagers can hear higher frequency sounds then adults, different people can tune into different frequencies then others. Its done and its proven. Case Closed.

Every living thing on the planet puts off energy. Proven case closed.

You need to work on tuning your mind into the frequency you want to read. I can't right now answer what frequency is what. I do know colors you perceive have a lot to do with the frequency your reading on. Light blue is death. That's the only one I know. One way to do this, is to tune into other people who are tuned into the frequency you want to read. Then practice practice practice. Just like anything else.

One trick I learned from the writings of David Saint Claire is to sit back and relax, decide what it is you want to be tuned into. Close your eyes and do the best you can to connect to something real that represents the thing you want to be tuned into. Be it person, place or thing, picture it in your mind as if you are looking at it in its present location. The inhale deeply brining that image into your body, feel it coming in as if it was really becoming you, hold it there for a few second wile holding your breath in and then release it. Do this 3 times to start your day with what it is you want to be mentally connected to that day.

Now in psychic readings, you do not want to be connected to what you read, you want the full opposent of that. It works by sensory, like smell does. Now when you stay in the house everything seems normal. When you go out for a few hours and come back you can smell something you didn't smell before, not because its a new smell, but because you became so use to Jr's stinky gym shoes, you stopped noticing it. What you want to perceive in a psychic reading is the energy's of the other person. Something knew that just came into your energy field. That's the reason some readers choose to connect to God or some other unearthly entity real or not, its still different from human energy.

To earn the cash now with out cops breaking down your door for running a scam is cheaper and easier then you think. Some states for the past few years have been upset that psychics are getting donations over what the church is getting and have passed laws putting real gypsies in prison for years for giving blessings and readings in exchange for cash. If you live in one of the states that only allow Christian Churches to collect money for services, you can gain federal protection for your self by going to and for free they will make you an ordain minister of your own heart beliefs fully protected by the federal religious laws. The courses are cheap and accredited.

The other way is phone reading, pay per minute, you set your own price. No testing, your customers ratings will set your experience for you. If your just starting or you have been away for a wile, this company does not restrict what you can ask. You can call and ask the psychic about their psychic abilities and of one hangs up on you, be grateful they didn't waste your time. With this company as a reader they use to refund the money to anyone who claimed they had a bad reading. They have been acquired by AT&T now and that is no longer the case, but a small few still try it once in a wile. People who call for psychic advise - do not want educated advice They can look that up online for free if they want it.

So any way, go to this site and get a 10 minute reading for $1.99 from psychics that charge 6 to 10 USD per-minute for their readings and question them about it, then go to your account and apply as a psychic adviser. If you put everything you can into it, there is a good chance that by the end of 30 days you will be netting 300.00 an hour.

Read more at http://SPECTRE.US/

1 comment:

  1. BTW anyone who thinks that psychic gifts are of god and should be free for all, I demand you paint my house for free, fix my car for free, grow and prepare my food for free and provide me with ISP and electricity for free. The if God moves me I may give you a psychic reading for free. But only if the food was a 5 star meal, the house is in perfect new condition and the car went up in value after you fixed it.
